Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Did you know about the rapture detector app on itunes?

I still can’t figure out if this is a joke or not but I was sent a link to an app on iTunes calledthe Rapture Detector 1.0! Yes…that’s right. Reverend Billy Joe Estes of Holy Manifestation House of Worship is making available for sale at £0.69, an app that can apparently warn you of the rapture 30 minutes prior to its occurrence. The unique selling point of this product offering is the fact that it then allows the user, presumably a Christ-follower, to live a wild and carefree life that can quickly be repented of 30 minutes before the rapture takes place! Wow! All I can say is wow! If you doubt me then search for it on iTunes yourself or check out his website:

Here is his description of the app taken off the dedicated iTunes page:
“Ladies and gentlemen,
Partying and wild living can be yours again with Reverend Billy Joe Estes, Holy Manifestation House of Worship Rapture Detector.
That’s right, you heard correctly; a Rapture Detector.
Thirty minutes prior to the Rapture you will be notified on your iOS device and you will have 30 minutes to run down to your local preacher and be saved, Hallelujah on that!
Remember, salvation is a matter of timing. Don’t be late; be early.
God bless you and please visit for further information on Rapture Detector today!
Don’t miss your opportunity for everlasting life simply because you are enjoying this one. Timing is Everything!
God Bless”
So this Reverend truly believes he has a right to encourage people to ‘cheat the system’ as it were. He is essentially saying Christians can eat their cake and have it thanks to his app. We can finally live like unregenerate people, satisfy the lusts of our flesh and disregard the leading of the Spirit and still make it to heaven because a beep goes off on our mobile device warning us of the impending arrival of a King we never honoured and expect that a half-hearted confession from a cold untransformed heart will pave the way for us to enter into eternal rest? I can’t presume to know how God’s mind works and how He will judge such people but the bible does say quite clearly in Galatians 6:7, ‘Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows’. Besides, I doubt the credibility of the rapture detector app since Jesus Himself is unaware of the exact timing of the rapture.
“No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the
Son, but only the Father. – Matthew 24:36.
If Reverend Billy Joe Estes is for real then I can only pray that he realises how misleading his app can turn out to be for struggling Christians who would rather succumb to the call of the old unregenerate man rather than allow the life of Christ to flow through the new creatures they have become by faith in Jesus Christ.

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